Raise Hope for Congo: Panel Discussion
Raise Hope for Congo, a panel discussion about the current situation in DRC took place this Wednesday, April 7. The discussion addressed the scourge of conflict minerals and the epidemic of rape and sexual violence in the region. With history and background of the Congo, the current political situation, the UN Peacekeeping Mission, and what policy initiatives are currently in place, the panelists discussed their own personal experiences on the ground, and how to get involved in putting an end to the conflict.
- John Prendergast, co-founder of the Enough Project
- Major General (ret.) Patrick Cammaert, Former Division Commander of MONUC
- Roger Luhiri, former fistula doctor at Panzi Hospital in DRC and a 2008 Human Rights Advocate with ISHR
- Lisa Jackson, director of the film The Greatest Silence about rape in the Congo
- Anneke Van Woudenberg, Senior Researcher on the DRC, Human Rights Watch
Location: Amsterdam Ave,New York,United States