The International Institute for Applied Systems AnalysIASA) and the Austrian Academy of Sciences recently held an event:
- Professor William Nordhaus, Professor of Economics, Yale University, USA: “Maastricht and Kyoto: A Tale of Two Treaties”
- Professor Carlo Rubbia, Nobel Prize, Physics 1984, and Scientific Director, Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V., Potsdam, Germany: “Can we maintain sustainability for the future of humankind?”
This was the first time I finally had a chance to meet and talk to Professor Nordhaus, someone who I have read ever since his stirring critique of the Stern Report when it came out many years ago. His idea of linking trade (WTO) membership and climate change action during this lecture was very interesting and a probable way forward in solving the free rider problem that exists in global public goods such as climate change.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Festsaal of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, 1010 Vienna, Dr. Ignaz-Seipel-Platz 2
Photo credit: IIASA